Roxy Rules - Learn how to ride safely
AUGUST 19, 2021

The Roxy Rules are added to all our vehicles, those rules are in place to protect the safety of the user and the safety of the public. Please check them below in detail.
Rule 1 - For 18 year olds and up

This rule is set by us and regulated by cities. In some cities the minimum age for using a scooter is less. Please follow the city’s and our guidelines for your own safety and the safety of others.
Rule 2 - We stongly recommend wearing a helmet when using our vehilces

Wearing a helmet is not mandatory by most ctities but we strongly reccomend it due to the safety it provides. Studies have proven that scooter accidents are alot less harmful when the user is wearing a helmet.
Rule 3 - Drinking and using the vehicles is frobidden

Studies haven shown that drunk driving increases the risk of accidents. Please do not drive and drive.
Rule 4 - Riding on the sidewalk is forbidden

Vehicls should only be used on bike lanes, if the bike lane is on the road or next to the side walk then this where our vehicles should be used, for the safety of the user and the safety of the pedestrians.
Rule 5 - Do not obstruct puclic or private businesses

The vehicles should not be used on any private properties. Special attention needs to be made when parking the vehicle, the vehicles should not be blocking any private business (restraunts, shops, pharmacies, etc.) or public businesses (public transportation entrances/exits, government offices, etc.)
Rule 6 - One person per scooter

Two people riding the same scooter at the same time increases the probability of making an accident for two reasons:
1- The user would be less in control of the vehcile.
2- The vehicle is not made to be used by two users which may cause the vehicle to not perform to its standard.
Please stay safe and use the vehicle only by yourself.
Rule 7 - Pay special attention to blind and impaired citizens when parking

When the user is parking the vehicles there a couple of things that the user should keep in mind.
1- The vehicle should not be blocking the side walk, at all times there needs to be atleast 2 meters of space left to allow impairerd citizens and citizens who use a wheel chair to be able to move easily.
2- All guidance signs for the visually impaired citizens should be left visible and the user should not park the scooter in areas where it may pose a threat to impared citizens.