Pay 20 EUR & Enjoy 6 hours of ride time with a Roxy E-Scooter.
*Max amount charged per ride is 30 EUR
In a collaboration between Super 8 & Roxy Mobility. All Super 8 customers would be able to use the Private E-Scooters offered by Roxy Mobility. Below all are the needed information step by step to use a Roxy E-Scooter!

Download the Roxy App and create your account.

Add the code
Press the "My Fleet" section in the Roxy app and paste the following code into the "My Fleet" section
Code: H&S-Roxy

Roxy Private E-Scooters will appear
After adding the code, the Roxy E-Scooters that are offered exclusively for Super 8 & Hampton will appear on the Roxy app. Add credit to your account and start your ride!

Read through where you can park the Private Roxy Scooter and our safety rules

Where to park?
Ending a ride on a private Roxy Scooter offered for Hampton and Super 8 is only possible adjacent to the Super 8 and Hampton hotels in the "gray" zone. *You may interrupt your ride anywhere it is acceptable.

Safety is our number priority
It is advised to wear a helmet and drive safely when using a Roxy Scooter. The rest of Roxy rules are equally as important specially with regarding to parking or pausing your ride.

Roxy Rules

For 18 year olds and above

We recommend wearing a helmet

Don’t ride when drunk

Riding on sidewalks is forbidden

Do not obstruct public or private businesses

A single person per scooter

Pay special attention to blind and impaired citizens when parking
Payment, ride history, blue support icon, my fleets, and profile. Are the only relevant sections in Roxy App to Super 8 and Hampton private customers.
No, this is the only page that you could get information from, the other pages are for our regular customers.
Those zones for our regular customers. Even though they are not for you but please stay inside the blue zone to prevent any technical errors. The blue zone covers the entire service area of Freiburg.
Please reach out to us by clicking on the support section on the app or simply by clicking on the blue circular icon at the bottom right of your screen.
No. All these sections only apply for our regular customers that are using Roxy Scooters that are offered to the Public. If you would like to use one of our Roxy Scooters that are offered to the public, then feel free to go through all of the above-mentioned sections because in this case they will apply to you.
No, Roxy Scooters that do not have the “Private Fleet Icon” logo on them are for our regular customers and have different pricing plans.e